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 Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling or therapy offers you a space in which you can get in touch with who you truly are, not just who you have been told that you should be. I can work with you to discover your own voice and what you need and want out of life, in order to look at changes that could make this happen.

My Approach

I work relationally which means that I keep a close eye on what happens between us, to work through any issues that come up, as they come up.  Relationships are key to human beings.  How we engage in the world and creating a space where you can feel safe to explore as much of your life as you wish to is key to my work.

Diversity and valuing the walk of life you come from is really important to me in my practice.  I work hard to continually educate myself in many areas so that when we meet I can get to know you as an individual, without you needing to educate me.  I have experience of working with people who identify as LGBTQIA+ and from other diverse backgrounds.

Our work can be short term and focused the issue that you would like to resolve. We can look at the feelings, sensations, emotions, thoughts and behaviours that you are experiencing so that we can get to know this issue further.  Awareness is a key path to accessing change.

Or our work can be longer term or open ended. It might be difficult to identify one issue to get some resolution in, or perhaps you are feeling lost, overwhelmed, hopeless. In longer term work, we can do all that I listed above and I can also bring in a relational element to the work to see what you are experiencing in the here and now.

Next steps

These are options and maybe you might want to get in touch or book in for an initial online counselling session where we can discuss this more.

Professional bodies and registration

British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) is the largest professional body for therapists in the UK.  They accredit reputable courses and also hold a register of therapists that is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).  They also have a rigorous and thorough ethical framework and a challenging accreditation programme for more experienced therapists.

I completed a BACP Accredited course at the Sherwood Institute in Nottingham and I also achieved BACP Accreditation in 2017 and am listed on their register.

I am qualified and accredited to the appropriate level to work with the students from the Sherwood Institute counsellors on the BSc (Hons) course – please contact me for further details.