Couples and Relationship Therapy

Couples and relationship therapy is a space where people come together and talk through issues that arise.  This can be anything, some examples are below however this list is not exhaustive:

  • Anyone who would like to work on issues in their relationship that are driving them apart
  • People who wish to maintain a good relationship with each other – a space to allow open communication
  • People who are having a difference in their relationship and would like to negotiate ways of them getting their needs met
  • People who would like to end their relationship but need some support to do so amicably.

I work in a safe and welcoming way and with all parties to ensure they are heard and respected.  I welcome any diverse variety of couple+ (same-gender, mixed-gender, LGBTQIA+, married, unmarried, civil partnered, non-monogamous, open, poly etc) to get in touch to discuss their needs with me.

My belief is that intimate, close relationships are all different and all have their own culture and rules.  A lot of these rules get set up without discussion and over time.  Therapy can be a useful space to examine these and design a future together or apart.

I consider myself a LGBTQIA+ friendly and affirmative therapist and I am experienced in working with monogamous and non-monogamous relationships (including people of any gender) as well as relationships that include kink practices.  I regularly undertake CPD in these areas.