Supervision online and in Leicestershire

 I offer supervision online and in Leicestershire to therapists whether qualified or in training and to anyone in the wider helping professions.  I think it’s important on many levels to have a space to reflect on our work.

I have 11 years experience of counselling and psychotherapy and qualified with a BSc (Hons) from SPTI, Notts in 2012.  I have been in private practice for 10 years.  Over that period since my initial qualification, I have undertaken extensive amounts of CPD that fits into my Humanistic and Integrative model.

I work frequently with clients and couples who wish to speak about their gender identity and LGBTQIA+ individuals and I have a lot of experience of working as a therapist with Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversities (GSRD).  I also work with these themes in supervision regularly and with organisations who specialise in supporting LGBTQIA+ groups.  Therefore, I’m able to offer support to therapists undertaking this work, whether this is regular supervision or adhoc one off specialist consultations.

My approach to supervision is similar to my psychotherapy approach, through our work together we will build a supportive and safe relationship in order to support you in your client work.

I charge £60 p/h for supervision individually and £70 p/h for group supervision.  My qualification is a diploma level and is with CSTD Bath.  If you are interesting in starting a supervision relationship please get in touch.